Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Democratizing Power of Information

It's crazy how easily technology can connect with our emotions and interest. Last week in class, we discussed how Amazon and other sites become formatted to what we like based on what we search. By continuously searching things on sites like google and other pages, we give our computers all the information they need to have advertisements related to our interest pop up at different times.

Along with our web pages changing to our likes, we also have the power to change them based  on our likes. We discussed sites like pulse.me which allow people can have all sites and information related to their interest on one page. By clicking here, you can view mine as an example.

Technology is constantly changing. Whether we realize it our not, the information that we provide via our technological devices, is constantly being used for one reason or another. I find this interesting and a tad bit scary. In some sense it feels like an invasion of privacy while also making me feel comfortable by making it easier for me to access what I want when I want. Do you think the easy access of our information will reach a limit of what is and isn't acceptable or will this possibly help make things better for society?

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