Monday, September 28, 2015

What Makes Good Blogs Good?

There are many different factors that give blogs their quality. After review the 2015 bloggies, I think the two primary factors that make blogs good are their format and the conciseness of the information being expressed. The content was easy to follow and expressed in an eye catching way. It brought attention to vital information while only giving an over view of information less important. The information also follows proper English and grammar rules. This makes it easy to comprehend. No one wants to read long drawn out content. Quick and to the point is what most people expect in today's generation. The blogs that won on the bloggies such as "cupcakes and cashmere" did a great job of keeping content concise and informative. By doing these things I believe all blogs can be very successful.


  1. Brittany, I completely agree that the format for a blog is one of the most effective factors that goes into a successful blog site.

  2. I also agree that a good blog has content that is easy to follow and has proper grammar and punctuation.
